Home » Deposit-Current Account
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Current account is a running account which may be operated upon any number of times during a working day. It caters to the needs of business people who make use of the cheque facilities extensively and also receive cheques in their favour. However there is no restriction that only a business people can open the current accounts.
- Person in his own name
- Two or more persons in their joint names with operations as Either or Survivor, Jointly/Jointly or Survivor, Anyone or Survivors or Survivor.
- Cooperative Societies, Proprietary concern, Partnership firms, Limited Companies, Joint Stock Companies, Clubs, Religious institutions, Associations, Provident funds societies, Executors and Administrators, Govt./Semi government departments, Local Bodies.
Note: Instruction given at the time of opening of joint account will strictly be followed up in operation of account. However these instructions can be altered/varied by all the account holder at any time during the operation of the account.
- Minor
- Pardanashin Ladies
- Illiterate Persons
- Blind Persons
Additional Documents required for opening Current Account
In addition to account opening form, additional documents are required to be taken in certain types of deposit accounts. A list of such accounts and additional documents to be taken are given below for ready reference:
Type of Accounts & Additional Documents
1.Proprietary concern
   a. Declaration of sole proprietorship
2.Partnership Firms
  a. Partnership Letter
  b. A copy of partnership deed
3.Joint Hindu Families
  Joint Hindu Family letter
4. Limited Companies
  a. Certificate of Incorporation b. Certificate of Commencement of business
  (Not required in case of private companies)
  c. Memorandum and Articles of Association
  d. Board’s resolution
  e. Latest audited Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account (in case of a Public Limited Company)
5.Clubs, Schools, Societies(including Co-operatives), Associations, Committees etc.,
  a. Certificate of registration or incorporation if registered)
  b. A copy Bye-laws, Rules, Regulations etc., as the case may be
  c. Memorandum of Association, if any
  d. Resolution of Board of Directors
  e. Latest copy of the Balance Sheet in case of Co-operative Societies, if available
6. Trust
  a. Instrument or Document of Trust or relevant extract thereof
  b. Resolution
  c. Certificate of Registration from Charity Commissioner (if trust is a Public Charitable Trust)
7. Executors and Administrators
Probate or Succession Certificate or Letters of Administration or Administrator General’s Certificate
8. Provident Funds
  a. Trust Deed
  b. Rules of the Provident Fund
  c. Resolution
9. State Financial Corporations
  a. Relevant copy of Act or Legislation
  b. Bye-laws, if any
  c. Resolution
10.Guardians appointed by Court in respect of Minors Court order or Guardianship Certificate